When to Help Badgers

Badgers are one of our most shy and elusive mammals so their interactions with humans are often difficult. Chances are if you can get close to one, something is seriously wrong.

Always approach a possibly injured badger with great caution and do not attempt to touch it. They have extremely powerful jaws and can cause a serious injury.


When to seek rescue help #

A badger out during the day
Badgers are strictly nocturnal so one out in daylight or one which can be approached is definitely in trouble.

A badger which has been hit by a car or attacked by a dog
The animal will need to be assessed and treated for injuries.

A badger with an obvious injury
If the badger has an obvious wound or damaged leg for example, it’s going to need help.

A badger caught in a snare or fence
Never try to cut the animal free yourself, just call a rescue urgently.


When to take other action #

A baby badger on its own
Baby badgers usually stay in the sett so if it’s above ground, there may be an issue. Observe before intervening and call a wildlife rescue for advice.

A dead badger
Your local badger group will appreciate reports of dead badgers as these help them locate setts and accident hotspots, and even find orphaned babies in the case of nursing females. You can find details of your local badger group at badgertrust.org.uk or scottishbadgers.org.uk


Next Steps #

Never attempt to pick up or touch a badger, even a baby. Badgers have incredibly powerful jaws and very large, sharp claws. They can and will inflict a serious injury if not handled properly. In these cases you should telephone a wildlife rescue and, if possible, wait with the animal until they arrive so that you can provide them with an up to date location.

Finding Help #

You can find details of rescues in your area by searching our directory. If you're unsure whether to intervene or you have difficulty finding a rescue who can help, we have information about sources of bespoke help. We also have articles with detailed, practical advice about capturing an animal, providing short term care, contacting a wildlife rescue, and getting the animal to them.

Updated on May 28, 2024